Transforming passion into work from 40 years


Transforming passion into work, putting one’s knowledge and skills at the service of the territory. It is the dream realized by the founder of the company, Mario Morbidelli, whose journey into the variegated world of oil began in 1981. An activity, his, which immediately looks into perspective and wisely ranges between different market segments, with the goal of anticipating times and constantly increasing the quality of products.

Frantoio Morbidelli - Famiglia Morbidelli - Lavorazione Olio oliva -  Ostra-  071.6888080
Frantoio Morbidelli - Raccolta Olive - Ostra - 071.6888080


These teachings were made by his son Luca, the current owner of the Morbidelli oil mill, who ten years later, in 1991, acquired another company to be able to also deal with viticulture in Moie di Maiolati Spontini. We soon arrive in 2004, a particularly symbolic year that marks the return home of the Morbidelli family, in Casine di Ostra. Today, the Morbidelli oil mill is a consolidated reality to rely on for every need related to olive growing.